holy Mother!
THAT movie was very touching.. This movie deserves a MUCH better score than this! Newgrounds..... have you no heart?
<3 Your Pal
holy Mother!
THAT movie was very touching.. This movie deserves a MUCH better score than this! Newgrounds..... have you no heart?
<3 Your Pal
Im sorry that it took me this long! =(
hey guys! THAT WAS A VERY VERY AWESOE FILM! it was funny and long, and it was Genius... And i liked the Talk about Me! =D
Im sorry that i couldnt review this, but clockday was pretty hectic.
but now im able to review. and give you 5's and 10's
I hope you had a swell Clockday!
Your Pal
Much thanks <3 For a little inside info the letter will do much more than talk about you in the future!
I love you Element
love you
<333 {{{}}}}
ok... my erection wont go away...
tht was amazing!!! i loved it! nice music! nice funny times! Awesome work!
You did very well my dear....
Love you.... <3 Element £>
Your Man
WOW! that was bloody Awesome Revo! you did a top notch job here! superb movie. nice graphics.. VERY VERY funny too.... You did spectaculer! il see you when the RCC Opens up again! (wee)
Your Friend And Comrade
Thanks comrade, glad you like it. Dusk says the site should be up again in a week or so. Thanks also for the cameo in your movie! Happy clock day, or day after rather. lol
TurdClock Ladies And Gentlemen!!!!
Turdy! My Man! that was apsolutly Spectaculer! You out done yourself! It had the Humour... And it was very very touching.... TurdClock.... My old friend..... Like you said... Although we are far apart.. Our Clock Crew Brotherhood will always seem as close as ever! Thank you for the inspirational Work.. And thank you for the Cameo.. It is a great honour mate.... i was waiting all day for this movie.. And i wasnt Disapointed =)
Stay in touch Turd
Your Friend And Brother
Mr Rupee!
Brilliant work! You remind me of my Great Grandpa Rasta, with your story telling.. ANYWAY.... GOOD job! you got my 5! and my heart....
Haha, nice. :)
Glad you li ked.
very nice my elderly grumpy friend. you did YOUR BEST WORK YET. and im glad you were able to finish this for clockday. It was HILARIOUS and nicely voice acted aswell... VOTE 5!! good to see you MrGilClock... and its good to see the Old Charactors again like Daniel Kiddypoo ETC...
<3 Your Good Pal
Thanks mate, may the power of B, be with you <3 happy clockday!
you have a very good story telling voice, nicely drawn and masterfully narrated...
<3 Your Pal
Thanks Rasta! Happy Clock Day!